Eskimo Jo Events Data Privacy Policy
In line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this privacy notice explains in detail the personal data Eskimo Jo Events retain about you and how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe.

What data do we process?
We retain your name, address, contact numbers, email, and children’s age. Everything supplied during your booking.

Why do we keep it?
We retain your data so we may ensure your booking data is available at the Grotto on the day of your visit and to contact you in the unlikely event should any changes to your booking be necessary.

Where do we keep it?
It is hosted at a secure data centre

Who can access it?
The Eskimo Jo Events team via our pre bookings database. Booking details will be shared with John Lewis & Partners for event delivery, evaluation and comms purposes only.

What do we do with your data?
Your data will be used for event delivery and comms only.

How long do we keep it?
Up to 10 months. At the end of that retention period, your data will be deleted completely.

How can I delete my data?
You may ask at any time for your personal data to be deleted in full by emailing Please note, it may not be possible to delete your data prior to your booking whilst still facilitating your booking.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to us.